Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tonight's Dinner …

Smashburger. Seriously the best greasy food. Like ever. Lol I always get their spinach and cucumber chicken Burger. It's so yummy! And of course healthy. Well healthier than a Burger. The littles love the fries. Love this place. If you haven't been, you should. I totally recommend it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Going Au Naturale

Well, sorta Lol I've decided to Go boho and Zen but I'll tell you about that in a later post. I'm really tired of eating junk, and buying crap That's obviously not good for the environment. So I'm making a change (with baby steps. I'm broke, remember??) Step one was realizing what I throw away the most. Answer? Diapers. Having 2 little ones in diapers is murder on my bank account and murder to our landfills. Sooo that was the first thing to go; disposable diapers. I just got my order of cloth diapers from Go Green. And they are soooo cute! I'm very happy with my decision and can't wait to buy more!