Monday, March 4, 2013

Going Au Naturale

Well, sorta Lol I've decided to Go boho and Zen but I'll tell you about that in a later post. I'm really tired of eating junk, and buying crap That's obviously not good for the environment. So I'm making a change (with baby steps. I'm broke, remember??) Step one was realizing what I throw away the most. Answer? Diapers. Having 2 little ones in diapers is murder on my bank account and murder to our landfills. Sooo that was the first thing to go; disposable diapers. I just got my order of cloth diapers from Go Green. And they are soooo cute! I'm very happy with my decision and can't wait to buy more!

Beachy Hair All Year

This stuff works so well!! I love it! Found it on Pinterest but there was no link so whoever came up with this, I thank you ^_^