Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tonight's Dinner …

Smashburger. Seriously the best greasy food. Like ever. Lol I always get their spinach and cucumber chicken Burger. It's so yummy! And of course healthy. Well healthier than a Burger. The littles love the fries. Love this place. If you haven't been, you should. I totally recommend it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Going Au Naturale

Well, sorta Lol I've decided to Go boho and Zen but I'll tell you about that in a later post. I'm really tired of eating junk, and buying crap That's obviously not good for the environment. So I'm making a change (with baby steps. I'm broke, remember??) Step one was realizing what I throw away the most. Answer? Diapers. Having 2 little ones in diapers is murder on my bank account and murder to our landfills. Sooo that was the first thing to go; disposable diapers. I just got my order of cloth diapers from Go Green. And they are soooo cute! I'm very happy with my decision and can't wait to buy more!

Beachy Hair All Year

This stuff works so well!! I love it! Found it on Pinterest but there was no link so whoever came up with this, I thank you ^_^

Sunday, February 17, 2013


While wasting time on Pinterest tonight, I found a Pinner who had some truly decedent dessert pins. When I went to her Profile page I found 3 other boards with for sweets, cupcakes and other sugary foods along with 3 additional boards for other foods and drinks. These boards happened to be above her 1 Workout board. Either this woman owns a bakery or puts food at a higher priority than working out and staying fit. I'm not trying to judge, it just made me laugh. Then I came to the sad realization that my boards are set up the same way. Looks like I need to prioritize my boards … welp, I know what I'm doing for the next hour … one cup of tea and desktop, here I come

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

CHD Awareness

Today starts CHD Awareness Month. This is the story of my 2 (almost 3) year old CHD daughter.

On March 23rd 2010, Tempest came into the world. She was so adorable with her head full of hair and squishy cheeks. From the outside, you couldn't tell anything was wrong with her. Upon a closer look, she was diagnosed with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve, a Patent Foramen Ovale, and a Patent Ductus Arteriosus at 1 day old. Of course all these words I couldn't even pronounce scared the Hell out of me. Why couldn't they just tell me what was wrong with my baby in English?!!! Luckily none of these required surgery, just careful monitoring till something happens. Not sure if that was supposed to make me feel better, but it didn't. My little girl was a ticking time bomb. Just waiting for one of her CHD's to knock her down. It will be 3 years since her diagnoses & we've been blessed that she has not had any problems. It may be broken but she will always have a beautiful heart.
I am proud to be called a CHD Mother.

Please help me in supporting and spreading awareness of CHD Babies, by taking (copy/save) one of these photos and sharing with your family and friends. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Post-Rain Depression

It began to rain Friday afternoon. I was so happy! Took the family shopping to our local Target and stopped by Panda Express for Dinner (Om Nom Nom). Saturday & Sunday it continued raining. I did anything I could to get out of the the apartment just to be in the rain. That's how much I love the rain! Monday, the clouds began to thin out & rained on and off all night. Woke up this morning to bright sunshine streaming through the windows, which made me very unhappy. Am I the only person who gets depressed after the rain is gone? I feel like I had to say goodbye to my BFF. Made some Coffee and Cinnamon Rolls to kind of perk me up but it's not lasting very long. I would love to live in Washington or Hawaii or anywhere else where it rains & is cloudy all the time ...
 *begins to daydream about rain   *

Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Introvert

Hey everyone! New URL but same awesome blog (Lol) I've been very anti social {media} lately ... Just haven't been in the sharing mood. But I am back to blogging about anything & everything.
As some might know, I like doing my spring cleaning a season early. So I've been going thru boxes, books & everything in between. I've been dying to get rid of my ugly, ripped to shreds green couch but currently don't have anything to replace it so it stays as a covered by a sheet mass of bleh in my living room. (Boi that was a mouthful) Any-who, So as soon as I basically throw out everything, I'm hoping to organize myself a bit better. My past attempts haven't proved very effective. Off to Pinterest for more inspiration. Anyone else as addicted to that site as I am? ... No? Just me? ... >_>