Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Introvert

Hey everyone! New URL but same awesome blog (Lol) I've been very anti social {media} lately ... Just haven't been in the sharing mood. But I am back to blogging about anything & everything.
As some might know, I like doing my spring cleaning a season early. So I've been going thru boxes, books & everything in between. I've been dying to get rid of my ugly, ripped to shreds green couch but currently don't have anything to replace it so it stays as a covered by a sheet mass of bleh in my living room. (Boi that was a mouthful) Any-who, So as soon as I basically throw out everything, I'm hoping to organize myself a bit better. My past attempts haven't proved very effective. Off to Pinterest for more inspiration. Anyone else as addicted to that site as I am? ... No? Just me? ... >_>

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