Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not So Hungry For The Hunger Games

My husband and I watched The Hunger Games about 2 weeks ago. Honestly I wasn't impressed with the story line, couldn't get over teenagers killing each other as a form of entertainment and that the main character was so boring. Remember this is MY opinion. Don't like it? Stop reading & come back later when I have a new post ... So anyway, I posted my feelings on Facebook. Everyone basically told me that I missed the point if all I took out of it was teens killing each other. Why am the only one who can't get passed that part? This Suzanne woman wrote a book about teens killing each other in an event celebrated like a holiday!!! How F'd up is that? I don't care what the real point of the story is supposed to be. How mental do you have to be to write about teens killing other teens? Then create a "Capitol" where it's an a form of entertainment. Then everyone reads this book like it's the next Harry Potter. Because I decided to "keep an open mind" I agreed to read the book. Which my sister brought over a few days later. I finished the 1st part of the book but I really don't wanna finish it. She obviously wrote this in a way that could easily be adapted to a movie. Like every page is in the movie. Yeah there's some back story that isn't in the movie, but for the most part, I feel like I'm watching the movie again. I can't get myself to pick up the book to finish it. I'd rather scrub my floor, on my hands and knees, than finish it. Pretty sad, huh? Maybe when i get back into a reading mood I'll finish it ... that's a big maybe tho. 
Okay, rant over. 

XoXo oXoX

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