Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Aug 19 2012 ~ Sea Life Arizona

We Had such a great time at AZ Mills. Lunch at Paradise Bakery & Cafe. Altho the babies were not interested in the sandwich, the yogurt, or even the cookies. Troy had to go get them french fries, which they devoured. I was so upset, but at least they ate something. 

Then it was off to see the aquarium.  At first Tempest and Cole were chill in their strollers and just looked around. Then once we  got to the bigger tanks Tempest started getting scared. Especially when the sting rays came close to the glass. Once we got tempest out of her stroller, Cole wanted to get out of his as well. Needless to say it wasn't very fun after that. Trying to carry Tempest, maneuver the stroller and the diaper bag began to be more trouble than it was worth. We rushed through the rest of the aquarium, me taking as many pictures as possible along the way. 
Here's some photos I took. Some of them are sucky quality but I was using my phone. 

Had to get inked to get in.

 Listening to the boring audio track of what not to do & safety procedures 

 The only light in the room before going into the aquarium.

 I got to touch a live starfish! (Yes, I am that pale)

 These fish were in a circular room, Where the wall was a huge tank. It was pretty cool. Tiny tho. 
 Cole really liked the Sting Rays

 I totally had Little Mermaid running through my head when I saw this little dude

 Sea Horses. 

 Jelly Fish. Not a bad pic. my phones camera is pretty good.

 This Ray came up to the glass and just chilled there while I took its picture

I tried so many times to get a pic of the sea turtles but they kept swimming out of view. Guess they're camera shy. 

We didn't get to buy any thing from the gift shop. Mostly because there were so many people in there & we really couldn't afford to get anything anyway. Next time I think we need to put the little ones in carriers, And condense the diaper bag. I'll really have to plan it out too ... 
The sucky part was that it was so hot in there. I seriously thought it would be cold ... or at  least cool. I mean there's water everywhere. And they have to keep the water cool ...I don't know. I'm hoping  that the next time we go, it will be a much better experience for all of us.

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