Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Autumn Can't Come Fast Enough

Okay, so if you follow me on Pinterest you are more than aware of my undying love for Autumn. I've gone Pin-Crazy lately with all the stuff I could make this season. That's how much I love Autumn!!! And what's not love?  The cooler weather, wearing long sleeve shirts, boots, Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, Cold mornings on the balcony with a steaming cup of coffee, Lighting a fire in the fireplace every night, Cuddling with a soft blanket on the couch, the leaves changing color ... well not here in AZ ... leaves just turn brown and fall off the trees ... not very pretty. But then there are the amazing scented candles ... Pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, apple cider. I love it all. It didn't help that when I was at Target over the weekend they already had their Autumn displays up. There are some Yankee candles that I really would love to have this season, but at $20 a piece I might just have to daydream for a while. . . I can't wait till that first cold morning when I get to made my grandmother's Apple Pie Oatmeal. It is so good! I'll share the recipe that morning, so all of you can enjoy it too. (It's too good not to share) Hmmm ... what else am I looking forward too? Well there's the decorating. Unfortunately I don't have that many Autumn decorations. (The sucky thing about being broke all the time) Think I might have to go play at consignment store or something. Oh My Goodness, I am so excited! Can you tell? Hee Hee Oh! And dressing the babies in uber cute fall clothing! Okay, seriously Fall needs to get here, like now. Think I might have to go bake a Pumpkin Pie to tie me over.

Have a great night everyone!

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