Sunday, August 26, 2012

Run On Thoughts

Okay so I'm not doing as well as I would have hoped with the whole working out thing ... Tempest hasn't been napping during the day (which is when i usually workout) I tried doing it early in the morning before the minions wake up, but one of them always wakes up right in the middle & I caan't just ignore them for 30 minutes. I do try to be a responsible parent. Yoga has been my best friend tho. The babies wonder what I'm doing and try to mimick ... It's so cute. I should really take pics next time they do it. I usually dont have my phone or camera near by. I'll do a little bit all day. which I'm sure is not a good way to go, but when I dont get any time to myself, Theres only so much i can do, ya know? I'm way to self conscious to work out in front Troy, so thats totally out. until I stop jiggling anyway. I know, not the best mental image but it's better than actually seeing it. Like on biggest loser ... I can't stand looking at my own fat let alone the people on the show. This is the main the reason i dont go to a gym, yet. Somethings just need to be hidden from society, bouncing fat is defintely one of them. I would love to take up running. It's a great reason to get away from the minions, clear my head, and of course it's like an awesome way to lose weight. BUT ... I'm being totally hypocritical as I write this and chowing down on pita chips & hummus ... it's kind of healthy ... Not healthy for my bank account tho ... it's a $20 addiction. Oh well, there are worse things to be addicted to.
Oh! Speaking of kicking an addiction, It has been 7 weeks since my last vapor cigarette. Yay!!! Yes, I used to smoke ... No I'm not proud of it. I switched from normal cigarettes to vapor back in July of 2011. One year after smoking vapor, I chose to quit. I'm having some slight side effects, but for the most part, I'm really happy I'm not dong it anymore. Bring on the healthier me! (^_^) 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dirty Dishes

I'm just gonna start off by saying that I hate dirt. I hate anything that is dirty. I may have clutter problems in my home, but dirt doesn't stay long. That being said, I have a love hate relationship with my George Foreman grill. I love it because I live in an apartment & is the best way to grill anything... But cleaning the little devil makes me want to throw up. Orange soap suds is just disgusting. (Insert Dry Heave Here) Luckily it's the only appliance I have to clean by hand & usually I just have the hubby do. But when I get the luxury of cleaning it, I feel like I need to take a shower afterwards.
Okay, I'm done complaining. Thanks for Reading

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fitness Freak

I have been on a fitness high for like a week now. I'm supposed to be doing Insanity everyday, but my can't handle that kind of intense training 6 days in a row.... I stopped at day 5, yeah it was only 1 more day, but I was in so much pain. My back felt it was on fire and with the discs pinching my nerves at the base of my spine, causing my legs to go numb, I wanted just wanted to die. Once I could walk around the apartment without my cane, and wincing every time I had to pic up the minions, I decided to start Insanity where I left off. Not one of the best decisions I've ever made. I ended up on the floor at the end of the DVD more times than not. So instead of doing more damage to my back, I've decided to back down the Insanity to 4 days a week, add some daily yoga and some not-so-intense work outs after my 4 days of Hell. For now, I can just use Wii Fit for my daily yoga. I'm sure there are awesome classes & instructional DVDs, but If I dont have to spend money on it right now I wont. Finding work outs that were still changeling but didnt require equipment was my next project. Thanks to my insomnia, Pinterest and Tumblr I was able to find backonpointe.tumblr. She has quite a few workouts and challenges. And since I get bored way to easily doing the same thing over and over again, I can change it up.
To help myself out with my weight loss journey, I found an uber cute visual aid via Pinterest. It was just an image, So to whoever came up with this adorable idea, I thank you.

1 trip to Hobbie Lobbie & $15 got me 2 cylinder candle holders, & 2 packages of stickers. I couldn't make up my mind what color I wanted so I bought both.

I have had these decorative stones from Pier 1 for a couple years (They were on sale so I stocked up) $5

And ... 10 mins later .... Voila! A simple way to track my progress (or regress) Oh & trust me, there are more stones in there than it looks. 

I also made this to track when I actually worked out & what I did during the week. I used a picture frame, a pink wallpaper from my phone, and Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (where all my fonts are easily accessible)

Isn't it cute?!

I love it when I can make stuff & it doesn't cost me any money. I'll post my weight loss journey every week or so ... 

Well, I'm off to clean messes & play with the minions 
Hope you all have a great rest of your day! 

Friday, August 10, 2012


Okay so there are times when I feel like Twitchy from Hoodwinked when I'm on Coffee & honestly I think it scares the babies. With my obsession of coffee (& yes I admit it's an obsession)  I'm thinking of going with a Coffee theme for my kitchen. I'm in there like all the time anyway - mostly to fill my coffee mug - and with cooking and baking and prepping baby bottles and doing the dishes (inhale .. exhale) so why not have fun decorating one of the smallest rooms in my apartment. Yay for small living space! Yes, I'm being sarcastic. I can't paint in there so I'll OD on vinyl & pictures, make some cute coffee-esque towels, buy some curtains & call it decorated. I have some monitor shopping to do ... Ya know, because I'll be on my computer. Okay that was bad. Sorry. Time to get that second cup of coffee ...


Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm feeling Crafty ...

But I have no supplies to actually do any crafts. Literally I have ZERO supplies. Boo. Looks like I need to go spend the hubby's money at Hobbie Lobbie. (^_^) I have new decoration ideas for Autumn & Halloween (some thanks to Pinterest) & I wanna get them outta my head! Preferably before the Holiday actually gets here. Oh that totally reminds me! I need to stock up on baking supplies. Where do you go to get your baking essentials? I really don't wanna buy at places like Sams Club & Costco ... I'd rather help a small business. I know, how economically nice of me. I love baking tho. Especially when it's cold outside. Of course here in AZ I'll be waiting for a while. October so needs to get here faster. Al tho I'm sure my sister-in-law who has birthdays every week that month doesn't. So for the time being I guess I'll draw out my designs till my date with Hobbie Lobbie this weekend ... or the following one. Whenever I have the extra $100 to spend. I swear I can't go in there and not spend that much every time. It's so bad on my budget! Hobbie Lobbie-1 Me-0

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Getting My OCD On

I'm finally getting myself (and everything else in my life) organized. I never knew getting organized would feel so awesome! I wouldn't say I have a messy family, we just have clutter spots that are driving me crazy. So I started reading Organize Now by Jennifer Ford Berry ...  It has really helped me get motivated to go all OCD on my apartment. Because I have such limited room, cuz well 1025 sq ft isn't actually a lot of space so organizing everything will definitely be a challenge. To this I say "Bring it on!"
My first step was organizing my To Do lists, my menus, projects, call logs etc & putting them in nice little planner. artsyfartsymama has some cute printable's that I'm using for my basic weekly schedule. I found quite a few cute FREE printable's on Pinterest. If you're interested in what I've found so far, you can check out my board here.
My current planner isn't as glamorous as I would have hoped but it was kinda a last minute shove it all together moment with no thought to make it pretty whatsoever. (I totally jacked artsyfartsymama's idea for this one, But I have some ideas of my own for my next one)

                                         Here's My Cover. I love Frogs & this one is uber cute

This is my Social Media page ...

My Weekly Menu ... 

& my weekly schedule

For next year's planner I'm thinking of designing my own pages. There are so many things I would love to add to it as well ... Oh don't worry, I'll totally share them!!! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

1st Post!

Ok so I know that isn't the most lovely title for a post but I honestly can't think of anything else right now.

I'm not gonna lie ... I'm really new to this whole blogging thing so as I get figure stuff out ... I'll expand ... For example I have no idea how to change my About Me so it doesnt go to my Google+ profile, cuz honestly I dont like it & it sucks. So until I figure it out, here's a little bit about me and my family

The Tempest Story
My husband & I have been married for almost 6 years. During which time, he has had several career changes while attempting to find a good income source for our family. Unable to do so, we had to file for bankruptcy shortly after our first child, Tempest was born.  
When Tempest was born she refused to eat & was placed on fluids through an IV. She underwent 3 days of testing in the NICU. She was diagnosed with RH Disease & On her 5th day of life she received a complete platelet transfusion. Her stay in the NICU lasted for 9 days. Since her delivery was a C-Section, it was rough going back & forth from the hospital to be there for her. While she was there, her Doctors also diagnosed her with Turner’s Syndrome, Which is a Chromosomal Syndrome causing Tempest to be petite, among other physical disabilities, has 3 major heart conditions, a bicuspid aortic valve, a Patent Foramen Ovule, & Cardiomyopathy & was finally diagnosed with GERD which causes her to throw up often. Due to all of her medical issues & frequent doctor appointments I was unable to go back to work. 
Even though Troy has a decent job, unfortunately it does not offer insurance. Due to this we have been paying out of Pocket for all of her doctor visits & prescriptions. Despite preventative measures, not too long after Tempest was born, I found out I was pregnant. Because this was a surprise amongst all of Tempest’s medical issues, we were unable to afford certain necessities such as a second crib & additional bedding for the new baby.  361 days after Tempest was born, I had Cole via a second C-section. Cole is a completely healthy baby boy. Currently they both take turns between sleeping in the Crib & the pack & play portable crib.
Our house was included in the bankruptcy and because of this we were unable to remain in our house for too long, resulting in us moving into an apartment only 3 months after Cole was born. We had to cut off TV services & home phone services as well. To entertain the children and to maintain our sanity, we use Netflix, iTunes and an old computer hooked up to the TV to entertain them with endless repeats of Pocoyo, Bubble Guppies and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while we watch something else on a different computer. Recently, our first and only TV as a dating and married couple, stopped working & our recent Tax return went to buying a new one. 
Due to the stress of the new baby & the move, Tempest began to have development problems. For which we are state required to have specialists work with her on a weekly basis..
Although I would love to go back to work, we wouldn’t be able to afford a nanny or special needs day care because of Tempest’s strict schedule on all her health needs.
 Tempest was Born March 23 2010, But her arrival was not easy one. Over 12 hours of labor where her heart rate went down dramatically during every contraction resulting in an emergency C-Section. The nursery was kind enough to take her for a couple of hours so her Mommy and Daddy could rest. It was at this time she started refusing to eat. After several tests and 24 hours of held breaths, tempest was diagnosed with RH Disease, 3 major heart conditions, a bicuspid aortic valve, a Patent Foramen Ovule, & Cardiomyopathy, And a Genetic Disorder called Turner's Syndrome. She received a complete platelet transfusion at only 4 days old. And Spent her First 10 Days in the NICU.
At one month old she was diagnosed wit GERD which we are still having issues getting under control. 

So that's pretty much it in a nut shell. I'll be blogging the Minions milestones along with Anything else I do during the day. Recipes, Photos I find amusing, rants about whatever I have a strong opinion on, vacations, outings ... uh .... and whatever else I feel like blogging ^_^ 
*yawn* Ok I'm off to bed ... Gotta get that beauty sleep 