Sunday, August 26, 2012

Run On Thoughts

Okay so I'm not doing as well as I would have hoped with the whole working out thing ... Tempest hasn't been napping during the day (which is when i usually workout) I tried doing it early in the morning before the minions wake up, but one of them always wakes up right in the middle & I caan't just ignore them for 30 minutes. I do try to be a responsible parent. Yoga has been my best friend tho. The babies wonder what I'm doing and try to mimick ... It's so cute. I should really take pics next time they do it. I usually dont have my phone or camera near by. I'll do a little bit all day. which I'm sure is not a good way to go, but when I dont get any time to myself, Theres only so much i can do, ya know? I'm way to self conscious to work out in front Troy, so thats totally out. until I stop jiggling anyway. I know, not the best mental image but it's better than actually seeing it. Like on biggest loser ... I can't stand looking at my own fat let alone the people on the show. This is the main the reason i dont go to a gym, yet. Somethings just need to be hidden from society, bouncing fat is defintely one of them. I would love to take up running. It's a great reason to get away from the minions, clear my head, and of course it's like an awesome way to lose weight. BUT ... I'm being totally hypocritical as I write this and chowing down on pita chips & hummus ... it's kind of healthy ... Not healthy for my bank account tho ... it's a $20 addiction. Oh well, there are worse things to be addicted to.
Oh! Speaking of kicking an addiction, It has been 7 weeks since my last vapor cigarette. Yay!!! Yes, I used to smoke ... No I'm not proud of it. I switched from normal cigarettes to vapor back in July of 2011. One year after smoking vapor, I chose to quit. I'm having some slight side effects, but for the most part, I'm really happy I'm not dong it anymore. Bring on the healthier me! (^_^) 

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