Friday, August 10, 2012


Okay so there are times when I feel like Twitchy from Hoodwinked when I'm on Coffee & honestly I think it scares the babies. With my obsession of coffee (& yes I admit it's an obsession)  I'm thinking of going with a Coffee theme for my kitchen. I'm in there like all the time anyway - mostly to fill my coffee mug - and with cooking and baking and prepping baby bottles and doing the dishes (inhale .. exhale) so why not have fun decorating one of the smallest rooms in my apartment. Yay for small living space! Yes, I'm being sarcastic. I can't paint in there so I'll OD on vinyl & pictures, make some cute coffee-esque towels, buy some curtains & call it decorated. I have some monitor shopping to do ... Ya know, because I'll be on my computer. Okay that was bad. Sorry. Time to get that second cup of coffee ...


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