Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fitness Freak

I have been on a fitness high for like a week now. I'm supposed to be doing Insanity everyday, but my can't handle that kind of intense training 6 days in a row.... I stopped at day 5, yeah it was only 1 more day, but I was in so much pain. My back felt it was on fire and with the discs pinching my nerves at the base of my spine, causing my legs to go numb, I wanted just wanted to die. Once I could walk around the apartment without my cane, and wincing every time I had to pic up the minions, I decided to start Insanity where I left off. Not one of the best decisions I've ever made. I ended up on the floor at the end of the DVD more times than not. So instead of doing more damage to my back, I've decided to back down the Insanity to 4 days a week, add some daily yoga and some not-so-intense work outs after my 4 days of Hell. For now, I can just use Wii Fit for my daily yoga. I'm sure there are awesome classes & instructional DVDs, but If I dont have to spend money on it right now I wont. Finding work outs that were still changeling but didnt require equipment was my next project. Thanks to my insomnia, Pinterest and Tumblr I was able to find backonpointe.tumblr. She has quite a few workouts and challenges. And since I get bored way to easily doing the same thing over and over again, I can change it up.
To help myself out with my weight loss journey, I found an uber cute visual aid via Pinterest. It was just an image, So to whoever came up with this adorable idea, I thank you.

1 trip to Hobbie Lobbie & $15 got me 2 cylinder candle holders, & 2 packages of stickers. I couldn't make up my mind what color I wanted so I bought both.

I have had these decorative stones from Pier 1 for a couple years (They were on sale so I stocked up) $5

And ... 10 mins later .... Voila! A simple way to track my progress (or regress) Oh & trust me, there are more stones in there than it looks. 

I also made this to track when I actually worked out & what I did during the week. I used a picture frame, a pink wallpaper from my phone, and Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (where all my fonts are easily accessible)

Isn't it cute?!

I love it when I can make stuff & it doesn't cost me any money. I'll post my weight loss journey every week or so ... 

Well, I'm off to clean messes & play with the minions 
Hope you all have a great rest of your day! 

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